I have a bachelor's degree, but not in education. I did however, teach for a year in South Korea. That in itself was a learning experience. By the end of the year, I had learned how to be flexible and how to add to "the lesson plan".

Here are some steps that I follow when coming up with a lesson plan.
1. Have a plan.
This year is our first year. Benjamin is four years old. He will turn five in October. His three-year-old brother, Joseph, often joins us for our class time. We have certain goals that we want to accomplish this year. They are learning to write the alphabet, and learning how to write numbers. They already know their colors, alphabet, and how to count to twenty. We focus on one letter per week with a corresponding Bible verse and key words.
2. Be Flexible
This is what our typical lesson plan looks like:
August 27, 2012
- Prayer and pledges.
- Introduction of the letter of the week "B"
-corresponding words: Bee, Bear, Butterfly
- Verse for the Week: Acts 16:31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ"
- Review last week's verse: John 1: 3 "All things were made by Him"
- Bible Story from Acts 16 - Paul and Silas in Prison. I had the little boys pretend that they were Paul and Silas in prison during the earthquake.
- After the Bible story, we start focusing on "B". Chant based on Oxford University Press.
B, Benji.
Hi, Benji.
B, Benji.
Hello, Benji,
B, Benji,
Hi, Benji,
Benji, Hello!
Bumble Bee Song
Bumble Bee, Bumble By
Bumble in the Big Blue Sky.
Bumble Bee, Bumble, By
Keep Away from Me!
I remember on that day -
When you flew into town
I let you walk up on my arm,
But oh when you sat down -
Bumble Bee, Bumble By
Bumble in the Big Blue Sky
Bumble Bee, Bumble By
Keep Away from Me!
Keep Away from Me!
Bumble Bee.
Wide-Eyed Benji (poem)
Wide-eyed Benji
Was but three
When a saucy honey bee
Buzzing, buzzing, much too near,
Swooped and stung him on the ear.
Sin, a deeper biting thing,
Hurts the heart with a dreadful sting.
Jesus bore your sting of sin.
Little ones like you to win.
Wounds were in his loving side
See His arms are open wide!
Run to Jesus and be wise.
Boys and Girls of every size!
I had a few headbands floating around the house that I had purchased for the baby. I took these, wrapped a couple of pipe cleaners around the ends, and glued pom-poms to the other end. I then took two white pieces of typing paper, folded each one in half, and wrote the letter "B" along the crease. Next, I cut out the "B" and ta-da! Bumble Bee wings. I attached the wings to the back of the boy's shirt with a paper clip. I have included some pictures for your enjoyment.
We practiced writing big "B" and little "b" later that day. I you tubed a few bee science videos, and we watched the Bee Movie later that night.
So, there you have it. A day in my life as a homeschooler.
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