Monday, September 17, 2012

Stand Up For What You Believe In

I am not afraid to speak. I am not afraid for my beliefs to be known in a time of great darkness. I believe the Bible is the Word of God. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that mankind is depraved, and not inherently good. I believe that abortion is murder. I believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman.

So, will I be labeled as intolerant? Maybe. That's ok. What about those who oppose the public display of a manger scene at Christmas? Isn't that intolerance? What about the supposed separation of Church and State? Yet it's ok to cram sex education of every kind down our children's throat in the public school arena and to preach that there is no God and that one is responsible for one's own destiny. 

I grew up in a generation where we were taught tolerance. We were taught to accept everyone and everything. We were taught to get along with everybody. Those are good teachings to some extent. It's not ok when all morals are pushed aside and Biblical standards are thrown out the window.

In Noah's day when man did "that which was right in his own eyes" the world was destroyed by a flood.

Why is it that the media does not give a voice to the conservative side? Why is it that the only rights that we hearof are the rights of women or the rights of those who desire to be in same-sex relationships? What about the rights of the unborn or the rights of a child to grow up in a stable home?

Our nation is unraveling at it's core.

It's time to stop being afraid of what others may think.

Now is the time to speak. Now is the time to be heard. To those who are willing to listen. To those who have not stopped their ears while changing the truth of God into a lie.

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" - Psalm 11:3

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Rebekah, for speaking the truth! This is a message we all need in America! May the Lord keep our minds focused on the truth of His Word!
