Sunday, September 9, 2012

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God..." - James 1:5

Life as a stay at home mother can get a bit hectic. I am constantly amazed by the wisdom God gives. As we all know, there is no manual that comes with the baby when you bring it home from the hospital. It doesn't matter how many baby books you  read, or how much advice you may receive from well-meaning friends and family. Much of parenting knowledge comes in the form of on-the-job training. 

I often confess my short comings to the Lord. I pray something along the lines of, "Lord, you know that I can't do this on my own. I need the wisdom that only you can give. Without you, I can do nothing. Please help." Many times this prayer is prayed in times of great desperation when there are tears streaming down my face, and I am completely exhausted. I am thankful that Christ is the solid Rock that we can stand on. 

I attended a Christian College. I will never forget the time I was in English class and the teacher was taking prayer requests. I raised my hand and asked that she pray that I have wisdom. She scoffingly replied, "We all need wisdom." I am thankful that God does not rebuke us or chuckle when we ask Him for wisdom. Solomon asked God for wisdom, and God answered his request.

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